Russian, Chinese experts hold seminar on Dec 11-13

The Russian-Chinese Expert Seminar on "Arctic Science and Technology Diplomacy under Global Challenges" kicked off in the city of Arkhangelsk, Russia, on Dec 11-13.


Seminar participants pose for a group photo. [Photo/]

The seminar, dedicated to transforming consensus into practical measures, was aimed to take concrete actions to promote Arctic cooperation and foster a shared vision for the protection and prosperity of the Arctic region. 

Supported by the Gorchakov Foundation for Public Diplomacy, the seminar was jointly organized by the Northern (Arctic) Federal University of Russia, the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), and the Russian National Arctic Science and Education Alliance. 

Over a hundred representatives from government departments, universities, and research institutions from both China and Russia participated in the conference. 

The event received special coverage from the Russian national television channel Russia-1 in Arkhangelsk.


A memorandum of cooperation is signed between the BIT and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University at the event. [Photo/]

Both China and Russia attached great importance to the seminar. 

Representatives from Northern (Arctic) Federal University, the BIT, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Chinese Consulate General in St. Petersburg, the Arkhangelsk Regional Government, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Representation in Arkhangelsk, and other academic and governmental organizations from China and Russia delivered opening remarks on Dec 11.

Liu Hao, executive chairman of the School of Global Governance at the BIT, delivered a keynote speech on "Challenges and Opportunities for Better Arctic Governance." 

Drawing on Chinese philosophy, he analyzed geopolitical challenges, believed that challenges and opportunities coexist in Arctic governance, and provided recommendations for building better Arctic governance.


Liu Hao delivers a speech at the event. [Photo/]

The conference featured sub-forums on four main themes: geopolitics, transportation logistics, environmental and climate risks, and technological language exchange and publishing on Dec 12.


Seminar participants pose for a group photo. [Photo/]

On Dec 13, experts at the conference, based on the sub-forum discussions, held a plenary session. 

They reached a consensus on the opportunities and challenges of Arctic science and technology diplomacy and governance. 

The participants identified platforms and activities that can continue to play a role, outlined the scientific and neutral role that universities can play, and formulated five recommendations for the government.


Experts discuss the opportunities and challenges of the Arctic science and technology diplomacy and governance during the seminar. [Photo/]

During the event, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the BIT and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University.


Russian and Chinese students take a photo with experts. [Photo/]

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