BIT international students visit 12345 service center, headquarters

At the invitation of the Beijing 12345 Citizen Service Hotline Center and, more than 20 international students from the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) visited the Beijing 12345 service center and headquarters on Jan 11, 2023. 

They gained first-hand experience of the efficient complaint handling services for citizens and corporate work. 


Participating international students pose for a group photo. [Photo/]

At the 12345 Citizen Service Hotline Center, students gained first-hand experience of the actual operation process behind the efficient services provided by the Beijing municipal government. 

They also learned about the measures taken by the Beijing municipal government to enhance citizen satisfaction. 

Through interactions with staff, the students immersed themselves in the process of handling citizen's calls. They not only learned practical problem-solving methods, but also experienced China's efforts and achievements in improving the level of public services.


A student experiences the process of handling citizen calls. [Photo/]

After that, the students visited the headquarters, where they explored the development history exhibition hall, JD's big data showroom, and the JD headquarters planning sandbox. 

This allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the booming development of China's e-commerce industry and’s development process and corporate culture.


A staff member of introduces the company's logistics system to the visiting students. [Photo/]

What the students say about their visit:

I'm delighted to have participated in today's visit to the 12345 service center and headquarters. JD's storage and logistics systems are well-established, and the service team at the service center has demonstrated exceptional customer care. This visit has not only deepened my understanding of these two fields, but also inspired my thoughts on service and innovation. I appreciate the opportunity to gain a more thorough insight into the internal operations of the industry. 

—— Rui'an (Yemen)

During the visit to the 12345 Hotline, I deeply appreciate the convenient and efficient services they provide. They are dedicated to offering the public accessible channels for inquiries and complaints, and their professional team resolves issues, enhancing public trust in government services. Especially during the pandemic, every operator worked tirelessly around the clock to address and resolve various issues for the public. 

—— Chen Weilin (Malaysia)

I'd like to express my gratitude gratitude for the opportunity to be part of this experience. The visit to allowed me to understand its impressive business structure and how it has evolved through digital transformation. This greatly highlights the innovation and value chain of Chinese companies and their significant capacity for global business. 

—— Andes (Colombia)

It was a great trip to know both companies' history and career development better. Both companies have several important impacts on society and essential duties to do on a daily basis. For example, online purchase platform has been improving the number of the employed by about 1 million people in China. It's not only about providing job opportunities, but it's also improving the economy of the country. 

—— Luo Kaijun (Uzbekistan)

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    No 5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
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    No 8 and 9 Yards, Liangxiang East Road, Fangshan District, Beijing
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    No 16 Lengquan East Road, Haidian District, Beijing









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