BIT students and faculty embark on a wonderful new semester!

In tidy classrooms, concentration accompanies contemplation; in laboratories, lights witness new beginnings; in the library, the sounds of flipping books are an echo of dreams; on the sports field, the sweat ignites youthful vigor; and in the cafeteria, the bustling atmosphere  accompanies the students' happiness. How is the first week of BIT (Beijing Institute of Technology) students and faculty?


With the dawn of the morning, the melodious bell breaks the campus tranquility, marking the official start of the first class of the new semester.


With a refreshed attitude and full of enthusiasm, the faculty and students of BIT embrace the ocean of knowledge and climb the peak of wisdom. Erudite and kind teachers, with profound knowledge and friendly attitude, present students with detailed and exciting lectures, leading them into the palace of knowledge and the treasure house of wisdom.


In the quiet library, diligent students are silently working hard for their dreams. Page by page, word by word, they are armed with knowledge and guided by wisdom, forging ahead and pursuing their own glory.


Stepping into the laboratory again, they feel like returning to a long-lost home, and say “hi” affectionately to those familiar "old friends". Here, we accompany scientific research, travel with dreams, swim in the ocean of scientific research, and harvest fruitful results and joy.


On the sports field, the heartbeat is like a passionate movement, leaping on every inch of the ground. The footsteps of youth are light and powerful, leaving a string of galloping marks in the stadium.


Here, they unleash passion and release the vitality of youth to the fullest; here, they temper their will, constantly challenging themselves to go beyond their limits.

The cafeteria already bustles with various fresh and delicious delicacies neatly arranged. At the fragrant table, students taste those long-lost delicacies, spending beautiful moments together.


The new semester embodies new expectations, and the new starting point carries new dreams. Seize the moment, accumulate small steps to reach thousands of miles; look forward to the future, gather small streams to form rivers and seas.

We wish BIT students a progressive new semester and smooth sailing in all their endeavors!

  • Zhongguancun Campus:

    No 5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
  • Liangxiang Campus:

    No 8 and 9 Yards, Liangxiang East Road, Fangshan District, Beijing
  • Xishan Campus:

    No 16 Lengquan East Road, Haidian District, Beijing









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