• BIT hosts 2024 International Culture Festival

    Jun 12, 2024

    BIT hosts 2024 International Culture Festival

    The BIT Summer International Culture Festival was held in the central garden square of the Zhongguancun Campus of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) on May 31.
  • Delegation from UAE Ministry of Education visits BIT

    Jun 6, 2024

    Delegation from UAE Ministry of Education visits BIT

    Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Mualla, undersecretary of Academic Affairs for Higher Education at the Ministry of Education in the United Arab Emirates, led a delegation to visit the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) on May 30, as he accompanied the UAE president on a state visit to China.
  • BIT International Summer Program in July recruits volunteers

    May 30, 2024

    BIT International Summer Program in July recruits volunteers

    The Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) will host an international summer program in July 2024, welcoming over 300 international university and high school students from renowned institutions in Europe and the United States of America.
  • BIT Professor Wang Bo makes progress in research of Fully Nonlinear Nirenberg Problem

    May 30, 2024

    BIT Professor Wang Bo makes progress in research of Fully Nonlinear Nirenberg Problem

    Recently, Associate Professor Wang Bo from the School of Mathematics and Statistics at BIT, in collaboration with Professor Yanyan Li from Rutgers University and Associate Professor Luc Nguyen from the University of Oxford, published a research paper.
  • BIT students win gold at CCPC National Invitational (Zhengzhou)

    May 24, 2024

    BIT students win gold at CCPC National Invitational (Zhengzhou)

    The China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) National Invitational (Zhengzhou) and the 6th CCPC Henan Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest were held at Zhengzhou University of Light Industry on May 12. The ACM Club of the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) secured one gold and two silver medals.
  • BIT School of Design and Arts inaugurates its European education base

    May 22, 2024

    BIT School of Design and Arts inaugurates its European education base

    The School of Design and Arts at the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) held an inauguration ceremony for its European Design Education Practice Base in Turin, Italy, on May 12.
  • BIT student Wang Yifei soars to new heights

    May 20, 2024

    BIT student Wang Yifei soars to new heights

    Wang Yifei, a Class of 2023 doctoral student in the School of Information and Electronics at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) has achieved remarkable success.
  • Another BIT member selected as 'Future Female Scientist'

    May 11, 2024

    Another BIT member selected as 'Future Female Scientist'

    The 19th China Young Female Scientist Award ceremony was recently held in Beijing, and Cao Duanyun, a pre-employed assistant professor and special deputy researcher at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), was selected for the 8th "Future Female Scientist" program.

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  • Zhongguancun Campus:

    No 5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
  • Liangxiang Campus:

    No 8 and 9 Yards, Liangxiang East Road, Fangshan District, Beijing
  • Xishan Campus:

    No 16 Lengquan East Road, Haidian District, Beijing

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